My name is Robert Perlaky (56) of Hungary. I have been researching history of the Perlaky family originated from Perlak for the last couple of years. During ages I managed to collect a lot of information about the family and its history. This website is a summary of the information found in research.
In the first time I dealt mainly with the evangelical branch of the family, but recently I have been contacted by members of the catholic branch. With their kind favor, there is a copy of a family tree in my possession. The family tree was made by Mihaly Perlaky in the 1930’s. It goes back to Istvan Perlaky (~1590) and includes more than 800 names.
You can read the brief history of the family here.
The family trees (descendants of Perlaky-Horváth István and descendants of Perlaky György) were elaborated by me, and it can be seen on this page (in English):
Family tree – catholic (the required access code is: phf)
Family tree – evangelic (the required access code is: evang)
Broken family trees (ancestors)
If you have any photos or documents relating to the Perlaky family to share, you can send me via e-mail and I will upload it..
Robert Perlaki, 2009